Patient Resource Center


We’ve prepared this section to help our patients with all administrative aspects of their care. We invite you to:

 Healthquest Resources

We believe “Women’s Health” isn’t just about reactive treatment; it’s also about empowering you to lead a healthy lifestyle. Learn about our ancillary services below:

Helping you get the facts on your current fitness. Have you had your Bodimap yet?

 Screening for Osteoporosis: The New DXA-Scan
Osteoporosis threatens around 20 million people in the USA*. Are you at risk?

 HPV Vaccine
Get the facts about the new HPV Vaccine

 Post-Partum Health & Fitness Program
Having a positive body image is an important part of who you are. Learn about your options

 Yearly Visits Info 
Having a positive body image is an important part of who you are. Learn about your options

*Finkelstein JS (2004). Osteoporosis. In L Goldman, D Ausiello, eds., Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 22nd ed., vol. 2, pp. 1547–1555. Philadelphia: Saunders.