Introducing the Newest Way to Measure Your Body Fat
For decades, body composition – the ratio of bo
dy fat to lean muscle – has been measured by calipers with considerable human error. Now BodiMap™ has brought body composition into the 21st century by harnessing the potential of Dual Energy X-Ray Absorbitometry (DEXA) scanning.
Measure Your Body. Get Fit.
An accurate measure of body mass gives you the yardstick you need to measure your progress as you endeavor to achieve great personal fitness:
- Track your progress in a weight loss program
- Evaluate your fitness plan by measuring changes in muscle mass
- Monitor general changes in your body composition
How It Works
It is a simple and painless procedure. Basically, you lie on the Duel Energy X-ray Absorbtiometry (DEXA) machine bed while a mechanical arm travels the length of your body above you. There is no poking, prodding, or shedding of clothes. It takes roughly 15 minutes. All that we ask is that you wear comfortable cloths and limit the amount of metal on your clothing and accessories.
Sample Output
The BodiMap™ reports your lean muscle vs body fat ratio in many different areas of your body versus one global number: